
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor is a wonderfully animated film produced in Czechoslovakia in 1974 by a founding father of cinematic storytelling, Karel Zeman. Sinbad, a humble sailor who seeks adventure and new experiences on the sea, never losing hope despite forces against him which attempt to distract him from his own happiness. As Sinbad journeys to various islands, he just as often encounters misfortune, but his initial deed of setting free a fish he caught comes to aid him in many ways. The fish is a presence in other animals which help Sinbad in times of trouble, as in warning cries signaling foretelling danger. And so as Sinbad helps others before himself, he is graciously served with fortune concluding each frame tale. His voyages include escaping a whale mistaken for an island, soaring under-wing of the monstrous bird, carrying an old-man on his back, blinding a hungry giant, finding an endless sac of gold that buries an island, and tricking a genie from greed. All the while, Sinbad performs selfless deeds, trusting his humility and putting others before himself which serves to benefit in the end.

As Sinbad is indeed modest, the repeated instances of his carrying the burdens of others, literally and physically, all exemplify his exploitation as a human. Yet, he succumbs and remains loyal to each request until he realizes he can bear no other burdens apart from his own. Though he helps each pursuer, they have taken advantage of him, and he grows more aware each time. Sinbad also encourages the safety and young love of many princesses and their suitors as he meets them, giving up what he has so that they may escape. And though he has only a small raft to sail the seas, he is happy and continues to play a song on his lute.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm still looking for the dutch or english version of this... Got it as a kid but the tape got screwed :(
Nice blog Alex!